Prayer as the First Step in Ministry - Herb Bailey (Church Army USA)

 Prayer as the First Step in Ministry - Herb Bailey (Church Army USA)

00:00:00:05 - 00:00:16:21

Moment of Intentional Prayer

I think in our liturgy, we have a moment of prayer. There's a point where we can pray include your prayers, whatever they are. If it's a system or organization that you're like, Hey, this is important that that's the one that gets mentioned every week, every Sunday were mentioned in that every Sunday. 00:00:16:21 - 00:00:31:19

Mention the Specific Ministry

We're mentioning the foster care community every Sunday when I mentioned the foster care community. If it's a one off, then perhaps you have rotating families that do a one off instead of. So if you do it every week, but it's not the same family that does it every week. 00:00:32:15 - 00:00:51:22

Prayer to Build Teams and Remember Workers

And so you build into building teams that then carry this on. And so the prayer hits them in the feels because they feel remembered for what they did, right? Like that whenever we approach that, the first thing that I tell a congregation over and over again is pray for the people wherever it is. 00:00:51:22 - 00:01:13:00

Pray Over the Ministry Weekly

You're talking about whatever community it is you're thinking about. Do a ministry over there? OK, yeah. Pray, pray like prayer in the weekly liturgy so late that becomes a thing number one. So that's the that that reorient to my heart toward those people and those people move from being those ancillary people to those people who are a 00:01:13:00 - 00:01:16:06

Make it a regular part of worship practice

regular part of my worship practice. If you want to learn more about Herb Bailey & Church army USA visit the website


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