Fostering Relationships with those involved in the Ministry

 00:00:00:07 - 00:00:19:16

What do we do when people have got involved? So then it's how do we. We've been praying people have gotten involved. How are we reporting back? What's the what's the feedback loop of that activity? Because if that person becomes an evangelist for the organization, you've done your job. 00:00:22:17 - 00:00:34:13 Focus on facilitating the relationships. Yes. Right, so you're not even you don't have to sell anymore, you don't have to push it anymore. They're doing it, you just get to facilitate that relationship with them like. All right, what went well? What didn't go well? 00:00:35:01 - 00:00:56:20 They are the ones who carry the message forward. Yeah. Brownie & June, right? At the cafe yesterday, right they are an evangelist for the ministry at their church. I go to church once a once a year. Yeah. Build continue to nurture that relationship, but I have relationship with them and they are the ones who carry the message forward. If you want to learn more about Herb Bailey & Church army USA visit the website


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