Perspective - Be Curious with your Camera

Perspective - Be Curious with your Camera

         As a former street magician and current photographer, I'm often aware of what perspective I am coming from because showing one side of things will naturally hide other parts.


How perspective pertains to Geometry:

- The relation of two figures in the same plane, such that pairs of corresponding points lie on concurrent lines, and corresponding lines meet in collinear points.

         I wanted to include this because I find this definition to be the most poetic of all the other definitions I could find online. I would also like to make a note here about Math being so romantic sometimes.


         Perspective is also defined as a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. If you are wondering about the pictures, then I would like to tell you what they are. 
         Sometimes I will look at situations now and imagine what certain people I have met would think about them. 

Some of the certain people:

- A sugarcane laborer who worked all day for his $6
- 17-year old who had a policemen force weed in his pocket to arrest him for something
- A rich man who chose to be homeless
- One of my old teachers 
- My parents and grandparents

         This list could be acres long. I'm sure other people have their lists as well. I would enjoy having a book of real places, characters, and stories that could add to this perspective stretching list. 


         Knowing where you are and where in relation to another place can become difficult if you aren't actively looking with a different perspective. Take the perspective of an interior designer or basic furniture arranger. They may notice things that you could notice too if you were looking from their perspective. 

Things that you could take note of:

- Sitting areas in a standard American house centered around the TV and tables.
- The increase in the amount of LED lights in houses and cars
- The minimalism movement and how it's relationship to product sales
- Possible effect of common USB charging on the design of future power outlets
- Indoor light fixtures and how they relate to product sales


I would like to restate how perspective pertains to Geometry:

- The relation of two figures in the same plane, such that pairs of corresponding points lie on concurrent lines, and corresponding lines meet in collinear points.

         As a photographer, recording something in the way you would want your audience seeing it is a good way to use perspective effectively.
         One of my favorite perspectives is that of a kid seeing something for the first time. It makes me excited sometimes to show people what a kid would want them to see. The easiest way to get this perspective is to be curious with your camera. 

(The Wild)

         Here is a poem that comes to mind when I think about the effect of perspective.

The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

This last picture is of a kid seeing the beach for the first time.

(Dominican Republic)

Perspective - Be Curious with your Camera


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