Homeward Bound: From the West Bank to the East Coast

What was your purpose of coming to Israel?

To visit my brother for Christmas and New Years

What cities did you go to while you were here?

Tel-aviv, Haifa, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Ramallah-

Excuse me, could you wait here for a moment?

Sure :)

A minute later, a different officer walked up to me.
She introduced herself as the head of airport security and started asking me the same questions.

What was your purpose...

It was like a song on repeat.
All the same questions, all the same answers.
When I got to the end of my part of the chorus... "Bethlehem, and Ramallah-", Her face displayed a reaction similar to that of biting into a lemon.

What is that?!

A coffee mug. See it says here לקחת רגע לקפה

What about these? Why are you carrying five jackets?

This continued for for a while and the next five hours were filled with questions, full body scans, patdowns, and searches through everything.

The punchline to this is that I was free to board the plane but my bag was detained.

It may have been the pile of camera lenses or the 300+GB of SD cards or the microphones.

Something about it was suspect and I found myself back in America with no baggage.

The planerides gave me time to stare out the window and think.

I decided that even if I didn't get my baggage back, things would be fine.

I was intact and everything else could be reaquired with some work.

But, I was going to try to get my stuff back.

It's the third day since I returned to the states and I got a call saying my luggage is on it's way.


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