"Written from the Heart"

“24 years ago, I stepped in a hole a broke my leg. People sent cards and it ministered to me. I started sending other people cards. 20 each week. I sent one to a painter who was out of a job, “Feeling blue? try painting yourself a different color”. To a friend who was a trucker, “Thought you could use a pick me up.” I remember people coming up to me at church and telling how much it meant to them. One lady keeps their card on their night stand “to remember someone cares”. After this, I started a ministry called “Written from the Heart”. Since falling in the hole, I’ve been dealing with chronic pain. God has given me something to do no matter when I sleep. I remember the night I fell in the hole I was listening to a message by a quadriplegic. I was talking to God and said, “I am willing Lord to be whatever you want me to be.” That is the night I stepped in the hole. It brought me closer to Christ. I’d rather be in the wheelchair with Jesus than walking around without him.” – Susan...